Often We Forget

Often times we forget
Who we are
Where we come from
Where we have been
We lose sight of ourselves
When our heart takes control
When our heart leads the way
We forget who to rely on
Who’s been there the whole time
The one who will always be

Often times we forget
Why we are where we are
The path that we’ve walked down
The mistakes that we’ve made
We lose sight of our destination
Our guiding lights fade away
We forget that dues need to be paid
That things don’t come easy
We lift bricks to build up our strength
Breaking ourselves some of these days

Often times we forget
Those that remain faithful
Through thick
Through thin
Through muddied waters
And blood riddled streams
The ones who’d lay their life on the line
Who would give everything
To breath life back into you
Those that would trade places to save you

Often times we forget…

But sometimes we’re reminded
Of who we are
What we can be
Why we are here
To love without a doubt
That no matter what
We’re never truly alone
There is always someone thinking of us

So please don’t forget…